This file indicates the new features you can find in the latest versions of
Amaya 2.0
3 May, 1999
Extensions 2.0:
- First implementation of a multi-document, multi-level Undo/Redo command.
- WAI guidelines on Image and Maps.
- COLGROUP and COL elements are accepted and can be created within TABLE
elements. The rendering is not implemented yet, though.
- CSS properties "left-margin", "top-margin", and "display: none" are now
- Amaya is now able to load, edit, print and save CSS files and plain text
- The entry "Style Sheets" in the menu Style allows one to
- link a CSS file using the standard Amaya paragdim: Click to select the
target or display a form allowing us to type the URI. The corresponding LINK
element is automatically created and CSS properties are applied to the
- open a CSS file used in a document.
- open a CSS file used in a document.
- disable CSS properties of the CSS file.
- enable or re-apply CSS properties of the CSS file.
- remove a CSS link.
- After a "Make Book" the document is automatically switched to the
Read-Only mode. This will avoid the user to edit it or save it by error.
- Publication thru the net now uses the HTTP/1.1 etags and conditional
headers to avoid the lost updates problem..
- The 409 HTTP error message (conflict) is now shown in a popup window.
- Added DEFLATE content encoding support under Windows.
- First support of disconnected browsing mode thru the libwww cache.
- Command SaveAs allows you to save a document in XHTML, following the
specifications and guidelines of the latest XHTML draft.
- Adding new menu entries:
- Back and Forward: navigation commands
- Editor/Browser mode: setting Amaya mode (read only or read/write)
- Amaya at W3C: link to the page
from the Help menu.
- Implementing a new policy of colors allocation.
- First version of Preferences configuration menus.
- The Verfiy each PUT with a GET option is now turned off by default
- It's now possible to browse with a simple-click or a double-click. By
default Amaya uses the double-click, but it could be switched to simple-click
in the General preference menu.
- Using the Publishing preferencesmenu, it's now possible to choose the
default name for saving URLs that end in "/".
- New version of the Thot API:
- Changing of TtaAddButton and TtaChangeButton to merge Windows and Unix
dialogue API.
- New functions: TtaGiveNextElement, TtaGetFirstLeaf, TtaGetLastLeaf
- A new Thot event: TteElemClick
- All user Amaya preferences and personal files are collected into a home
directory. By default this directory is $HOME/.amaya on Unix platforms and
C:\TEMP\amaya on Windows platforms. These files are:
- a personal amaya.css
- a personal amaya.keyboard (amaya.kb on Windows)
- a personal dictionary
- thot.rc personal preferences. This file is generated and updated thru
the Special/Preferences menu
- other temporary files and directories used by Amaya.
- After a paste command, the selection is now set at the end of the pasted
text where the user could continue to insert text.
- The Amaya CVS base is now available in read-only mode at The Root directory is now Amaya instead of Thot and the
libwww is no longer considered as a part of the Amaya code. The source tar
file includes the libwww code (libwww is a directory next to Amaya) and one
who acceedes the CVS base needs to get the libwww code (cvs get libwww) to
compile Amaya.
Fixed bugs 2.0:
- Scripts can now be created within the document Body and are no longer
moved into the Head at parsing time.
- When creating a new polyline in an area map there was a bug which
generated wrong coords values on Windows platforms.
- Comments in files amaya.keyboard and amaya.kb are now allowed.
- When a document included the sequence
<form>..<table>..</form>..</table> Amaya closed the
table at the end of the form. Now it reports a parsing error on the end tag
</form> and avoids to split the table.
- Copying an image from a remote document to a local document didn't work.
- When following a link which had a "?foo" ending, Amaya treated that ending
as a query string.
- Some attributes values appeared with strange names in the Attribute menu.
- When the current position was in a sequence of empty blocks (paragraphs,
for instance), the Backspace key deleted two of these blocks at once and did
not select anything.
- When pasting a paragraph with an attribute at the beginning of a table
cell or list item, it was turned into a pseudo-paragraph, and produced wrong
HTML code when the document was saved.
- Amaya locked up when one applied the strong command to a text displayed at
the beginning of a line.
- CSS selectors like "PRE SPAN.test" didn't work.
- The CSS parser didn't parse well the rule url("...").
- SMALL elements could be displayed too small.
- <basefont face="...."> was saved as <basefont facee="....">.
- When putting an attribute on a text string, the attribute was generated as
text in the HTML output. Now a SPAN element is generated to carry the
attribute. This bug occured with attributes title, dir, and most event
attributes (onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, etc.).
- Amaya crashed when loading an isolated image with a filename without a
- People who compiled Amaya on Windows platforms couldn't display jpeg
images. The problem is fixed now.
- The authentication handlers were desactivated while doing a HEAD pre-check
during the lost update PUT procedure.
- While browsing an image, pressing the reload button didn't show the image
- It wasn't possible to browse images when the request was redirected to a
URL having a different end name.
Amaya 1.4 and 1.4a
12 January 1999
New Features:
Fixed bugs:
Amaya 1.3b
October 14, 1998
New Features:
Fixed bugs 1.3b:
- Amaya generated line breaks into script and style elements. That has been
fixed now.
- Sometimes the Backward and/or Forward buttons didn't work fine if you had
successively loaded local and HTTP documents. Now it works.
- There was still a bug in vertical table formatting.
- While saving a remote document which was just edited, Amaya reported a
failure of the operation, even if it was a success
- When Amaya save a document locally, the user can now give a relative path
or the "~/xxx" path for images but the corresponding directory need to be
created before.
- While browsing a protected site, Amaya could prompt the user many times
for its password (bug inside the new libwww)
- When a paragraph was right aligned and updated, the current line could be
not redisplayed correctly.
- When changing the type of an existing element (for instance changing a H2
into a Paragraph), the following elements (H2 elements in that case) were not
renumbered correctly.
- The Windows version couldn't print the help page of Math.
- When MULTI_KEY is active the input method has been modified to support the
≤ character.
Amaya 1.3a
September 25, 1998
New Features:
- Amaya tries to save modified documents when it crashes. Then, the next
Amaya session proposes to reload theses documents when it starts.
- Target anchors are no longer displayed in green. All elements which can be
used as a target for a link show a target icon. These icons are always visible
in the "Links" view. In the "Formatted view", the user has to ask Amaya to
show them. An entry "Show targets" in the "Views" menu alternatively shows or
hides target icons in the "Formatted view". When the user wants to create a
link to a specific element, s/he must click on the corresponding target icon.
- New version of the jpeg library (except for the Windows version).
- Amaya uses the latest version of libwww. This version provides Amaya with
an up-to-date implementation of HTTP/1.1 including pipelining and caching
- Amaya can save documents in XML. Command Save As proposes 3 output
formats: HTML, XML, Plain text. When a document is saved in XML, the usual
HTML structure is used, but it is written in the XML language.
- Conversely, Amaya can read HTML documents written in XML. These documents
can then be edited and saved in HTML, XML or plain text.
- When saving a document in XML, namespaces are used if the document
contains XML elements such as mathematical expressions in MathML or 2D vector
- The following HTML 4.0 elements are available: NOSCRIPT, LABEL, BUTTON.
- Some support is provided for frames: the parser recognizes tags FRAMESET,
FRAME, and NOFRAMES as well as their attributes and Amaya displays them as if
they were links. You can double click them to fetch the corresponding page.
- The following HTML 4.0 attributes are available: onload, onunload,
charset, hreflang, target, accesskey, tabindex, onfocus, onblur, media,
longdesc, declare, archive, standby, valuetype, object, onsubmit, onreset,
accept-charset, disabled, readonly, onselect, onchange, accept, label, char,
charoff, summary, frame, rules, datapagesize, abbr, axis, headers, scope,
profile, scheme, language, defer, event, for
- All HTML 4.0 character entities are accepted by the HTML parser and are
generated when saving HTML files.
- You can create STYLE and SCRIPT elements with the Structure menu in the
- You can edit the content of elements STYLE and SCRIPT in the
- Characters that are not available on the keyboard can be entered by key
sequences. For instance, e acute is entered by pressing key ' and then key e.
This multi-key support is now available on Windows platforms. On Unix and
Windows it is optional and needs to be requested by setting
"ENABLE_MULTIKEY=YES" in the registry file ($HOME/.thotrc for Unix platforms
or Amaya/config/thot.rc for Windows platforms).
- Amaya fixes nested lists generated by Mozilla: when a OL or UL is a child
of another OL or UL, the former is considered by the Amaya parser as a child
of its previous LI sibling. According to the HTML DTD, the only allowed
children for a UL or OL are LIs.
Fixed bugs 1.3a:
- Improvement of the auto-scroll on dragging and availability on Windows
- Improvement of the printing of tables: when a table was split by a page
break, the page header and the page footer were overlapped by some table
- To be consistent with other editors, the management of the Backspace is
modified. With a non-empty selection the Backspace deletes the current
selection but not the previous character.
- Improvement of CSS parsing. Style commands (format, colors, etc.) are also
- Sometimes it was impossible to copy/paste from Amaya to another
- Improvement of form handling:
- Password fields in forms showed the text which is being typed in.
- Some special characters in the query string were not being correctly
- There was a limitation on the size of the query string.
- It wasn't possible to type a CR in the textarea zone
- When the user filled a form, Amaya considered that the document had been
modified, as if one were in an edition mode, rather than in a browsing one
- The default color of ReadOnly documents is now black.
- Bullets in UL elements didn't grow with the UL size.
- When saving a document, the document status was set unmodified even if the
operation failed. "Save As" could change attributes URL and SRC. If the saving
failed old values were lost. Now Amaya restores the previous document state.
- Improvement of the vertical table formatting.
- Broken connection pipes weren't taken into account under AIX
Known bugs:
- By integrating the newest libwww, we got a very good implementation of
HTTP/1.1. However, this version of the library can be fragile when contacting
badly implemented HTTP/1.0 servers. For example, servers that don't send the
correct headers or which don't understand the 1.1 protocol version in the
- Pushing the stop button in any document window closes all the open
connections in all the document windows.
- Entities in URLs should be converted before being sent to the server.
Amaya 1.3
July 10, 1998
New Features:
- Print on Windows is now available.
- "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out" functions are now available.
- Amaya uses the standard clipboard. On Windows versions Copy/Paste takes
the standard clipboard into account. On Unix versions, Copy form clip board
and Paste form Clipboard are attached to the usual mouse buttons (Left and
Middle). Consequently, selection extension is now performed by the Shift +
Left button of the mouse.
- The drag now generates an auto-scroll (not available on Windows).
- There is a new input method for Iso-Latin-1 characters. According to the
following table one can obtain a 'π' by first pressing '~' then typing 'a'. To
obtain a simple '~' you have to press '~' twice.
accent-letter |
~ |
` |
' |
" |
* |
^ |
a A |
π ├ |
α └ |
ß ┴ |
Σ ─ |
σ ┼ |
Γ ┬ |
c C |
τ ╟ |
e E |
Φ ╚ |
Θ ╔ |
δ ╦ |
Ω ╩ |
i I |
∞ ╠ |
φ ═ |
∩ ╧ |
ε ╬ |
n N |
± ╤ |
o O |
⌡ ╒ |
≥ ╥ |
° ╪ |
÷ ╓ |
⌠ ╘ |
u U |
∙ ┘ |
· ┌ |
ⁿ ▄ |
√ █ |
y Y |
▌ |
² ▌ |
- Alt and Control keys are dedicated to shortcuts
Matrices and tables (mtable) from MathML are supported.
- XML links (only simple links) are supported in MathML: any MathML element
can have the two attributes xml:link="simple" href="some/URL"
- Elements deprecated in HTML 4.0 can't be created with Amaya.
- The HTML parser replaces the obsolete elements LISTING, PLAINTEXT, XMP by
The following HTML 4.0 elements are available: ABBR, ACRONYM, BDO, DEL,
the writing direction on the screen)
- The following HTML 4.0 attributes are available: id, class, style, title,
lang, dir, onclick (and all other events), cite, datetime
- There is a new CSS parser. In that release, it's not possible to edit CSS
files in Amaya but this will be available very soon.
- Tooltips are now available on Windows and are updated on Unix versions.
- Libraries libz and libpng are updated.
Fixed bugs:
- Amaya didn't accept a table within a form. The form editing has been also
- Amaya is now able to manage row-spanned cells which are higher than the
spanned rows.
- The install is now minimum: only amaya and print are installed.
- When accesing a protected site, an authentication dialogue appeared for
each URL
- When reloading a page, Amaya wasn't sending any No-Cache headers
Fixed bugs in Amaya 1.2a
March 27, 1998
New: When Amaya crashes on Unix platforms, modified
documents are now automatically saved in temporary files
Sometimes when creating a link Amaya crashed.
- Amaya could also crashed if the user edited a page when Amaya was
downloading a new one.
- Back button didn't work sometimes when aborting the reload of a document.
- Couldn't follow local relative links when they specified the name of the
- Back button didn't work sometimes when aborting the reload of a document.
- Improving table editing and formatting.
- Table are now displayed differently in Alternate view.
- On windows platforms, the scroll could carry on pieces of overlapping
- There was a problem with picture display when the document was scrolled.
- Amaya didn't download the new image when the attribute SRC was edited.
Areas with shape=rectangle or circle were not updated when the associated
image was resized and Amaya didn't redisplay correctly an image when width
and/or height attributes were deleted.
- Error in area map parsing.
- Amaya didn't manage background images like other image in documents. Now
Amaya is able to compute their relative URLs and save them.
During parsing, when anchors were not properly closed Amaya repeated
Hitting the Enter key several times at the end (or beginning) of a table
created a new, empty table. It now creates an empty element after (or before)
the table.
Hitting the Enter key when a HR is selected created an additional HR. It
now creates an empty element after the selected HR
- Amaya was stuck in an infinite loop when a BR was deleted by BackSpace.
- Document was not set modified when a link was changed or a span was
created and modifications could be lost.
- When opening the CSS Dialog window my .amaya.css file was not
automatically opened and loaded. Windows users can now define a User's
Preferences file:
- When clicking on remove icon in CSS Dialog Amaya crashed.
- After modifying CSS the Save button popped up an infinite number of save
There were memory leaks in windows version.
It's now possible to launch Amaya in German. Other European languages could
also be supported, but dialogue files are not available yet. Please contact us,
if you're interested.
The same Windows distribution is available for Windows'95 and Windows NT and
its installation is now automatic.
Amaya 1.2
February 4, 1998
Windows improvements:
- handling of the stop button
- keyboard shortcuts for editing commands
- saving as a PostScript file
- scrolling and editing
Global improving (Windows and Unix versions):
- table formatting: a new implementation has been done
- extension to support Latin 2 languages in documents
- proxy specification
- further work on the MathML application
- other minor bugs
Fixed bugs in Amaya 1.1c
November 17, 1997
The following points are improved in Windows version:
- 256 color mode for windows,
- background images and image transparency,
- keyboard management,
- opening files from text zones and toolbar management,
- HTML forms,
- links management in local files.
Global improving (Windows and Unix versions):
- CSS background rule,
- saving in ASCII format,
- editing of hotzones in image maps (not available yet in Windows version),
- the "Make Book" function,
- the help in line,
- other minor reported bugs are now fixed.
New features in Amaya 1.1
July 10 and September 15, 1997
- Anchors and ID attributes:
- When Amaya parses a document it checks that all MAPs have a different
NAME, and it changes duplicate NAMEs. The USEMAP attribute of the related
IMG element is updated accordingly.
- The function "Create Target" generates an attribute NAME or ID depending
on the current selection. - If the DTD allows the insertion of an anchor as
the parent of the current selection, Amaya creats an anchor and takes the
first included word of more than 3 characters as the value of the NAME
attribute. - If a single structured element is selected (DIV, H1, etc.),
Amaya generates an ID attribute for this structured element. The ID value is
generated, like the NAME value, after the included text. Amaya checks that
the new NAME or ID value is unique. If it's not the case it changes the
value by adding a number at the end of the word. For example, it generates
"value1" if "value" already exists in the document.
- When an anchor with a NAME attribute or an element with an ID attribute
is pasted, Amaya checks that the new NAME or ID value is unique and changes
it if it's not unique.
- Functions which create a MAP element generates automatically a NAME with
value "map". Amaya checks that the new NAME value is unique.
- When an IMG with a USEMAP attribute is pasted, Amaya remove this
attribute, and when an IMG with a USEMAP attribute is deleted, it does take
care of the related MAP element. The document author is supposed to delete
this MAP or to link it to another IMG element.
- Links:
The functions "Create Link" and "Change Link" create an anchor if the DTD
allows the insertion of an anchor as the parent of the current selection. Then
the user can click a target anchor or a target document or a structured
element with an ID attribute. - If it's not a valid target, Amaya displays a
form to insert the HREF value. - If the user clicks on a valid target, Amaya
generates automatically the HREF value. In both cases, Amaya transforms the
HREF value to make it relative to the document base (the BASE element value or
the current document URL).
When an anchor with a HREF attribute is pasted, Amaya transforms the HREF
value to make it relative to the document base.
- Images:
The function "Create Image" creates the SRC value relatively to the
document base (the BASE element value or the current document URL). Amaya also
creates the ALT attribute and initializes its value with the image name.
When an IMG is pasted, Amaya transforms the SRC value to make it relative
to the document base.
- Publishing:
Button "Copy Images" indicates that images have to be copied into: - the
new document directory (on the remote server or locally), - the new image
directory, if there is a specified image directory.
Button "Transform URLs" indicates that all URLs and SRCs are recomputed
when saving the document. In both cases, Amaya generates relative URLs when
it's possible.
- Customization: Each user can define his/her personal file HTML.conf in
his/her HOME directory. So each individual user can now customize size and
position of Amaya windows.
- Java: Upgraded to Kaffe-0.9.1 using the JDK 1.1.2 classes. The mechanism
to access Java objects content has been cleaned up and should be ready for 64
bit targets. Java stubs are not distributed anymore, the Makefiles produced by
autoconf build them on the fly to avoid conflict in case of changes in the
HTML schemas. General improvements for the Java classes embedding access to
the document C objects.
- Math: This version of Amaya contains an embryonic MathML editor, that
allows mathematical expressions to be embedded in HTML pages. It implements a
subset of the MathML specification. This feature should be considered as a
demonstration, as it is very incomplete. More in next releases.
- MS/Windows This is the first version of Amaya that runs on Microsoft
Windows (both Windows 95 and Windows/NT).
Fixed bugs
Spaces were not accepted in end tags. For instance, </STRONG
was considered invalid. It is accepted now.
Amaya refused to create an Image before an Image. Now it works.
Sometimes, active zones were not created.
Using Style forms, the text was displayed correctly, but the style
attribute registered the previous style value instead of the new
New features in Amaya 1.0 and 1.0a
April 3 1997 and May 7, 1997
- A new command to create OBJECTs (HTML-Cougar) in Types menu.
- A plug-in
mechanism allows OBJECTs to be executed.
Attribute LANG (HTML-Cougar) is implemented (see Attributes menu)
Elements SPAN (HTML-Cougar) are automatically created and deleted
Two new views are available (see the Views menu):
Like the Alternate and Structure view, these new views are "synchronised"
with the other views of the document. These views can be printed with the
document (see the Setup and Print command)
The Help button loads the Amaya documentation.
New menu "Special" with the following commands:
Transform (was the last item of the Types menu): structure
Section Numbering: numbers headings (Hn) in the main view and in the
table of contents. Numbers are automatically updated when headers are
inserted or deleted. Section numbers are not saved with the document, but
they are printed if numbering is active when the Print command is
- Make Book: allows to merge several HTML documents into a single one (for
printing a collection, for instance). This is based on typed links
- Printing has been extended:
- "Setup and Print": this command proposes to change print options before
printing. Parameters ManualFeed, Table of contents, Numbered links and
default PostScript file name are reset when a new document is printed. New
options are:
- Table of contents: prints the Table_of_contents view of the document.
- Numbered links: numbers links in the main view and prints them.
- "Print": this command prints the document with the print parameters
defined in previous "Setup and Print" command.
- Directories are no longer automatically browsed when the user inserts them
in the "Open Location" form. A new button (List) is added in this form that
allows to explicitly browse the current directory.
- It's now possible to extend dictionaries used by the spell-checker. When
the user clicks on a (+dic) button in the spell-checker form, the current word
is added to the common extensible dictionary. By default this common
dictionary is located in $HOME/.thot.DIC, but the user can change this
location in the .thotrc registry: EXTENDDICT=
- Documents can be saved in text form (see Save As command), with a list of
URLS for external links.
- Images are zoomed according to attributes width and height. Combining the
Control key with the Middle button of the mouse allows the user to easily
resize an image.
- CSS: More properties are supported: background-color, background-image,
background-repeat, text-align.
- The registry now supports $(MACHINE) for architecture dependent paths.
- Java support: Amaya now integrates the Java Kaffe runtime. This version
uses the Jigsaw HTTP/1.1 classes to do network access, and provide a user
cache. Most of the Thot API is available from the Java language offering an
easy customization path for Amaya users. This also simplifies significantly
the use of Amaya as a testbed since a lot of developements are done in Java
and can easily be integrated to the existing base.
- HTML markup is now in lowercase, to improve efficiency of compression
Fixed bug
- When saving a document in HTML, Amaya omitted quotes around some attribute
- When inserting an anchor around a sample image, the image was sometimes
- On 1 bit per pixel screens, buttons in dialog boxes were entirely black
and selection was invisible.
- Amaya didn't select any element or character when the mouse was out of
document limits.
- Some improvements to table formatting (cells containing a single IMG with
a width attribute are formatted correctly).
- Creation of new definitions (DD) at the beginning of a definition list
(DL) is now possible.
- Amaya tried to interpret "&" followed by a non-letter as an entity.
It's now interpreted as ordinary text.
- When a <TD> tag follows a <TABLE> tag without a <TR> in
between, a WIDTH attribute associated with <TD> was considered invalid.
- Amaya created additional <P> tags in table cells and list items.
- tags such as <B>, <I>, <EM>, etc. caused troubles in
<PRE> elements.
New features in Amaya 0.95b
January 9, 1996
- Attributes height and width are taken into account for IMG, TD and TH.
- Tooltips (aka tips) are available on buttons.
- A message is displayed at the bottom of the window when the document is
- Creation of definition lists (DL) is easier.
- Added Two new buttons, to create links and tables.
- Amaya can now uncompress gziped HTML files.
- Sends an Accept header corresponding to the MIME types Amaya can display
Fixed bugs
- The main view (Formatted_view) of HTML documents was always placed at the
top left corner of the screen. The position specified in the HTML.conf file
was ignored.
- Under certain conditions, it was possible to create several BODY or HEAD
elements in the same document.
- It was sometimes necessary to activate the Close View command twice for
actually closing the Structure view.
- In some tables, columns containing badly structured cells were sometimes
moved to the left side of the table.
- When an image was within a paragraph with some text, and with a caret on
its right or left edge, pressing keys Enter, Del and BackSpace led to strange
- Submitting a form always sent the value attribute of the Submit button,
regardless of whether a name attribute was present or not. Other minor
problems with form selection were fixed up.
- Amaya didn't support invalid base like a complete document URL.
- Amaya didn't support invalid attributes in BASE element.
- Under certain conditions, copy and paste of images between documents
didn't work.
- Under certain conditions, some images were not published.
- When publishing, Amaya did not sent a Content-Type header.
New features in Amaya 0.9
November 14, 1996
- Structure transformation (command Types/Transform)
- more efficient pattern matching algorithm
- more structure checking: transformations are not proposed to the user if
they lead to an invalid structure (even if the transformation is matched
with the selection).
- the last modification time of the file
checked before it is parsed.
- in version 0.8, if the parser detects an error in file
, the transformation process is stopped. Now, the
parser skips the invalid transformation.
- error messages are displayed at the bottom of the window.
- Color palette
- The palette highlights the foreground and background colors of the
element selected when the palette is opened. The highlight allows users to
choose the same colors for different elements.
- It is also possible now to remove a color attribute from an element just
using the "standard color" button in the palette.
- Forms
- forms can now be sent using GET and POST methods to
protected/unprotected URLs
- creation of form components has been improved
- you can activate buttons and menu options by double-clicking them.
- HTML 3.2
- the latest extensions of HTML 3.2. have been added: tag BASEFONT and
attributes width and height for tags TH and TD.
- It is now possible to add comments in HTML documents (use command
Structure/Comment in the Structure view)
- User Interface
- When the current selection is within a PRE element, some menu entries
are disabled: Image in Types menu, and Big, Small, Sub, Sup, and Font in
Character Element menu.
- Interpretation of "~" and "file:" in "Open" and "Save As" dialogue boxes
- In previous versions, I B and TT buttons were never updated when
selection changed. Now they are displayed according to the current
- Continuous scroll: the document scrolls as you move the slider
- Distinction between "Cancel" and "Done" buttons in dialogue boxes.
- When opening the Structure view, the document is displayed with the
selected part visible in that view.
- Environment variables are initialized from the Registry (file
- Integration of libwww5.0a, giving among other things: HTTP/1.1 and
keep-alive connections.
- Reload button and command (File/Reload Document).
- Spell checker is now available for English and French, but both
dictionaries are far from complete.
Bug fixes
- Closing an Amaya window with a window manager command caused Amaya to
crash. Now only the concerned window is closed.
- The HTML parser inserted a space at the beginning of a new line generated
by a <BR> tag followed by new line in the source file.
- Call "Change link" from Links menu and click in the document itself. The
dialog box for entering the URL of the target was empty in previous versions.
Now it contains the current value of attribute HREF.
- Select some characters, call "Create link" from Link menu and click in the
document itself. Do not enter anything in the dialogue box for the URL and
press the Cancel button in this dialogue box. Later, call the Change link
command for entering an actual URL for that anchor. Nothing happened in
previous versions. Now you can change the URL.
- Some elements were lost during structure transformation, this is now
- Structure transformation was impossible if the selection contains comments
or invalid elements. Now transformations are possible (invalid tags are
removed in the new structure).
- In previous versions, if the input focus is in one window and you press
the H1 button (or any other button of that kind) in another window (with a
different document in it) it changes the first window. Now, the button does
- Colors management is completely re-casted and we hope to solve color
problems in previous versions.
- An emphasized string (or strong or...) can now span several lines in a
- When the same Web image is shared by two loaded documents, just one local
copy was created by Amaya and this copy was lost when the first document was
closed. This choice causes troubles when user tried to publish the second
document. Now Amaya creates two copies, one for each document.
- Copy and paste on images didn't work fine in previous release.
- Sometimes, local copies of remote documents were not created in the right
place. Now it works.
- When user closed a document view with the Window Manager, the whole
application exited. Now only the document view is closed.
- It is now possible to save a document if it is modified and close it.
- In the previous version, Amaya did not detect the cancel of the network
save of an object to a protected URL space.
- Inserting an image from a local directory did not react well to errors.
This has been corrected.
- Call "Create Link" when an target anchor is selected or "Create Target"
when a link anchor is selected, Amaya refused to add the href or name
attribute. Now it works.
- Call "Change Link" anywhere asked to select the destination. Now this
function works only within an link anchor.
- After loading a lot of CSS files Amaya cannot load images because file
descriptors are not freed. Now it is correct.
- The command "Save As" doesn't work or crashes. Now it is correct.
- Bug in area-mapping (circle) fixed.
- Support of the starting option -display
- If a user gave a wrong password, Amaya did not ask the user for the new
password. It kept using the wrong one. Fixed.
- When typing in the WYSIWYG window, clicking e.g. the "Italics" button
enters italics mode. After typing a few italic chars one wants to change back
to normal mode. Clicking the "Italics" button once again achieves this. But
you can't go on typing in normal mode, because this second click also selects
the italic text to become the active (highlighted) region. Simply typing ahead
overwrites the whole (italic) region. This bug is fixed.
- The implicit break following the <HR>failed to appear when a
<FONT> tag follows <BR>. The text within the FONT
construct appeared to the right ofthe horizontal rule. This bug is
- When typing in the WYSIWYG window, clicking e.g. the
"Italics" button enters italics mode. After typing a few italic chars one
wants to change back to normal mode. Clicking the "Italics" button once again
achieves this. But you can't go on typing in normal mode, because this second
click also selects the italic text to become the active (highlighted) region.
Simply typing ahead overwrites the whole (italic) region. This bug is
- Printing with "US" paper size did not work. Bug
- When changing attribut "align" for an element DIV containing
paragraphs, the paragraphs were not redisplayed with the alignment defined by
the attribute but they moved in a weird way in the Structure view. This bug is
- Select a DT and change its style: the DT element in the Structure view
gets confused. Bug fixed.
- Selection was moved to its original position at the ned of command
Edit/Find. It now stays at its current position.
IrΦne Vatton